

In quite a few projects world-wide, 3D Mapping technology has been used for documenting historical buildings – typically involving a massive amount of time and person power for both the data capture and their processing for public access (if that is granted at all). This can be afforded for eminent buildings like the Pantheon in Rome or the Cologne Cathedral; it is prohibitive for the many thousands of listed historic buildings constituting the cultural heritage of a whole region. 3DInOs was a study for developing and exemplifying a concept how to document historical buildings in a level of detail satisfying art historians’ needs and involving much limited cost for capturing, processing, and archiving the data, owing to the automatization and standardization of many of the processes and data formats involved.


The LiSA project was funded by BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung). Project duration was 1.4.2006 - 31.7.2009. The goal was to develop an autonomous mobile robot as a system assisting in a life-science research lab environment.


MACS – Multi-sensory Autonomous Cognitive Systems. The MACS project is a Specifically Targeted Research Project (STReP) for Exploring and Exploiting the Concept of Affordances for Robot Control. The project is funded by the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme IST under contract/grant number FP6-004381. The Commission’s support is gratefully acknowledged.


Robustness by Autonomous Competence Enhancement

SOILAssist - Nachhaltige Sicherung und Verbesserung von Boden-funktionen durch intelligente Landbewirtschaftung – Ein Echtzeit-Assistenzsystem für die Praxis

Das interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekt SOILAssist befasst sich mit dem landwirtschaftlichen Bodenschutz bei der Befahrung von Ackerflächen und verfolgt das Ziel, negative Veränderungen der Bodenstruktur und -funktionalität frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu vermeiden. Durch angepasstes Management soll ein günstiger Bodenzustand erhalten und verbessert werden. Im Rahmen des Teilprojektes ‘Adaptives Semantisches Planungssystem’ arbeiten die Projektpartner DFKI und UOS gemeinsam an einem adaptiven semantischen Assistenzsystem für den Feldeinsatz mit mehreren kooperativen Maschinen sowie der Integration einer geometrischen Umgebungsdarstellung.


3D Mapping 3D laser scanning 3D scanner 3D sensing 6D localization Action Selection Affordances Agriculture BVH CG CHIMP CUDA Camera Tracking Closed-loop mapping Crop/weed discrimination DGM Digitaler Zwilling Dimensionality reduction Draco Embree Environment modeling Extended paper FPGA Feldroboter Gazebo Gibson HDF5 HTN planner HTN planning Hyperspectal ICP Incremental mapping Jetson Kinect Fusion LVR LVR2 LiDAR MICP-L MPI Mapping Markov Mesh Generation Mesh Optimization Model-based object recognition Monte-Carlo Planning Ontologies OpenGL OptiX Optimization Partial observability Path Planning Plan-based Robot Control Planning Under Uncertainty Planning under Uncertainty Plant classification Point Clouds Polygonal mapping Problem Solving RMCL ROS RTX Rmagine Robot Navigation SEM SLAM Segmentation Semantic map Semantic mapping Simulation Spectral imaging Surface Reconstruction Surface reconstruction TSDF VR affordance-based planning affordances answer set autonomous mobile robots autonomous robots behavior-based robot control ceres classification cognitive robotics computational geometry controll data analysis data structures deep learning ecological psychology event generation flexible navigation function-centered perception geographic information systems hdf5 heuristic searches hierarchical task networks hybrid robot control architectures hyperspectral hyperspectral data image features image registration knowledge acquisition knowledge base labelling localization loop closure lvr machine-learning mapping maps mesh generation mesh localization mesh navigation mesh reconstruction mesh tools meshes mobile robot mobile robots move base move base flex navigation neuronal gas normal estimation object detection object tracking obstacle detection path planning point clouds probabilistic localization probabilistic robotics rasberry pi ray tracing registration robot dynamics robot localization robot planning roboter control robotics ros scanning scene graphs segmentation semantic environment modelling semantic mapping semantic maps sensor data interpretation service robots simulation social intelligence stream processing surface reconstruction tesselation textures triangle meshes visual databases waveform